Unit 3 Vocab


  • Represent a value
  • Include Boolean, string, lists, numbers, etc
  • Data types Assignment Operators
  • x = value
  • x is a variable
  • assigning value to a variable

Managing Complexity with Variables

Lists and Dictionaries

  • can be split or joines
  • lists are square brackets
  • dictionaries are curly brackets Data Abstraction
  • provides a separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its representation Algorithms
  • sequences
  • carry out functions Concatenation
  • combining two strings Substring
  • characters part of a string Pseudocode
  • can describe what the code will do without writing the code
  • indexes start at 1, not 0
  • Helps see what program does without having to write it out Iteration
  • repetition Expressions Boolean
  • true/ false
  • in binary, 0 is false and 1 is true Boolean Operators
  • produce booleans after used between 2 values Relational Operators
  • work between two values of the same type (operators)
  • ”==, !=, >, <, >=, <=” Conditional
  • Executing different statements based on the result of a true or false statement (booleans) Selection
  • The process that determines which parts of an algorithm is being executed based on a condition that is true or false.

Python If, Elif, Else conditionals

Determine what follows after a program, otherwise they continue Nested Selection Statements

  • essentially loops within loops For loops, while loops, and recursive loops
  • Combining loops with conditionals can allow them to either break or continue
  • Ex: if x = 3, break loop