Trimester 1 - Introduction to Tools and Resources

The initial weeks focus on introducing Tools, Pair Programming, and the AP Resources that we plan to use throughout the year. At the end of Weeks 0-3, students will be exposed to blogging with GitHub Pages; developing with Jupyter Notebooks, Python, JavaScript, HTML, and AppLab; working with AP classroom and becoming familiar with Create Performance Task project requirements.

Week Sprint AP Test Prep Career Tech Canvas
3 Creative Development Create Performance Task, How I got a 5! JavaScript Tutorial, Program Design with AppLab TBD
2 Data Abstraction Python Lists and Dictionaries Agile and Roles, HTML Fragments and Layouts TBD
1 Introduction to Python Hello to Python, Reflections on Computer Science Bash and Checks, Fastpages, Jupyter Notebooks, Markdown, Focus and Habits Intro Python, Jupyter, Fastpages
0 Tool Setup Scoring History, Pseudo Code Tools and Equipment Tools Setup