Project 1

Category Score Actual Score Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 0 1

Video fully demonstrates the program functionality

Specifies that the purpose is to be used to make a decision

I found the video to be a poor demonstration but it was sufficient for collegeboard

Data Abstraction 0 0

Two code segments, but they do not show any complexity or function, as the second does not access a list

The use of the list identifies the components of it

Managing Complexity 0 0

A list is shown, but it does not make the program less complex

The use of the list does not result in a program that is easier to develop

Program uses numbers to make a choice

Procedural Abstraction 0 0

The response includes a student-developed procedure “rpsGame” with one parameter

Many if/else statements, only says “smooth execution”

Algorithm Implementation 1 1

Identifies the calls used

The response

does not specify how the procedure contributes to the overall program, only stating that it

“allows for the program to execute smoothly.”

Testing 1 1

Calls are identified and the correct call results are labeled

Program works as intended

Project 2

Category Score Actual Score Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 1

The video and written response both clearly demonstrate the program functionality and the purpose

Clearly shown input and output; words and the hangman game

Data Abstraction 1 1

Two code segments provided

A list is named (“letofguessword”) and identified along with its contents

Managing Complexity 1 1

Student explains the importance of the list and how it would not be inconvenient if it wasn't implemented

“If the program were to run without the "letOfGuessWord" list, it would

make everything very inefficient because I would have to make 5 new variables to store the

individual letters”

Procedural Abstraction 1 1

The procedure “guesswords” was clearly implemented by the student

Its function is explained in the written response

Algorithm Implementation 1 1

The calls are clearly identified and described within the program “guesswords”

Selection and if statements are included

Testing 1 1

The results of the calls are successful

The program yields the output of the poems

Project 3:

Category Score Actual Score Explanation
Program purpose and function 0 1

I assumed the written response was insufficient, but it was good

specifies the program’s purpose. The response states, “This app can help with memorization or can just be used as a way to learn something new.”

Data abstraction 0 0 Two clear code segments, but no code is shown that uses list data
Managing complexity 0 0

Explains the use of a list but not how the program would be affected without one

Answers, but is far too general

Procedural abstraction 0 0

The response includes procedure “updateScreen” but it does not have

any parameter

second code segment does not show any call to the procedure

Algorithm implementation 1 0

Doesn’t state anything about how the index is relevant

Has if/else statements so I thought it would meet the point

Testing 0 0

Mixed up the direction of the calls; had them come from instead of go to

The results of these calls are not specified either

Project 4

Category My Score Actual Score Explanation
Program purpose and function 0 1

Video demonstrates the running of the program

What I thought it was missing is answered in the written response

Data abstraction 1 1

Two clear code segments

The response identifies what is stored in the list.

The data in this list

represents the type of fish and the number of a specific fish caught

Managing complexity 1 1

Uses a list of lists to manage complexity. The main list

represents fish, where each list element is also a list that stores the type of fish and the

number of that type of fish that are caught

The changes needed for the program are minimal if another variable is added

Procedural abstraction 1 1

Student-developed procedure ‘clone+movement+range’ with parameters that are used in the procedure

Includes calls as well

Algorithm implementation 1 1

The response explains in detail how the algorithm in the procedure works so it can be recreated

Thorough explanation

Testing 0 0

Does not describe specific arguments that are passed through the parameters

Rather the response explains the alternate coding segments if they were used

Describes the code, not the calls