Project 1

Category Score Actual Score Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 0 0

Video is very short, no demo of functionality

The response does not specify the program’s purpose. Instead, it describes the function of the


Data Abstraction 1 1

The necessary code segments are provided

The response identifies what is stored in the list: the list is named and categorized, and called

Managing Complexity 1 0

My score differed from theirs because I thought the list had classified the characters, but it does not

The response provides an inaccurate explanation of how the program could be written

differently without lists and why lists are beneficial

Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Functionality and contribution are specified
Algorithm Implementation 1 1

They developed an effective algorithm, and implemented

It serves its purpose

Testing 1 1 The variable being tested for is identified in the procedural calls

Project 2

Category Score Actual Score Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 1

Student demonstrates input, functionality, and output with Conway’s game of life

Purpose (entertainment) and functionality are included

Data Abstraction 1 1

The necessary segments of code are provided

Name of the list is included and specified

Items in the list are identified as well

Managing Complexity 1 1

The response includes code that uses a list to manage complexity by accessing and storing

the status (1 or 0) of 10,800 items.

Explains the use of a list as well

Procedural Abstraction 1 1

The functionality is mentioned

The response states, “This procedure takes as inputs identifying numbers for two lists. The first will be copied over to

replace the second.”

Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The algorithm is included and clearly was implemented well
Testing 1 1 The procedural calls work as intended

Noor Grewal

Period 5 Yeung

“What would you code given absolute freedom?”

Given absolute freedom, I would like to code a site where users looking to adopt a pet would select a local animal shelter and input information about their household, experience, and capabilities with pets. It would be organized as a survey and also ask questions to gauge what animal they are looking for and how capable they are of caring for it. The input would then be analyzed and matched to a pet at a shelter that would be compatible with the owner. I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, all of which were rescues and took a while for us to find. Though a match is not guaranteed, this would greatly expedite the adoption process by suggesting which animals a potential adopter should meet with, as they would then have a greater chance of finding a match.

“What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?”

Given that sort of freedom, I would be motivated by the knowledge that I would be helping both shelter pets and the people who want to adopt them. Additionally, as a new coder, everything is still really exciting, so I doubt I would be easily bored, and boredom can greatly lower motivation.

“How would you measure success in your team?”

I would measure success based on communication. I would rather have a team that is behind schedule and inconsistent but that communicates that, rather than a team that has everything done but never talked about it.

“How will you maintain motivation?”

I will maintain team and personal motivation by setting small, achievable goals and keeping the big idea in mind. A success at the end of each week or so by getting to check off a goal will help keep up motivation to continue doing so each week. Additionally, small goals can often take away from the big picture, so going back and seeing the overall progress and how it has affected the project would also be motivational.

“Why is the information in this blog important?”

The information in this blog is important because it reminds us of why collaboration is critical for a successful team and project. Team members who work together will be far better off than ones who do not, and will all be able to understand the function and purpose of their project. It is also important because we have our performance task coming up, and this information will be most relevant when it is essential for us to work together.

“Would you rather work on PBL projects, or do assigned free-response coding questions (aka FRQs)? Which would be easier to meet class standards?”

Though FRQs seem like an easier way to meet class standards, I don’t believe they are as enjoyable or enriching as PBL projects. I would rather work on PBL projects because they allow newer coders to learn and for experienced coders to build upon what they know. They also revolve around projects so that we would have central goals and learning objectives to implement our new coding skills into.

“Trust and Freedom are often earned. How will you show your passion and ability to succeed in your work?”

I will show my passion and ability to succeed through completing the weekly goals I set for myself and the team, and ensuring that I try my best. Overall, if I end up with something I am proud of, that is the best measure of success.

“What key learnings and focuses are a priority for you?”

Some key learning that are a priority are encouraging team collaboration, and ensuring that lessons are absorbed. Regarding our team, it is a priority for me that we continue to communicate, work together, and report to each other as often as possible to build a strong project. For myself, I want to make sure that I will remember what I learn, which will include taking notes and updating my site with useful information.