Vocab Pseudocode Python Definition/Purpose
input DISPLAY(expression) print(expression, end=” “) Displays the value of expression, followed by a space. Python defaults to newline, thus the end=” “
output a ← INPUT() a = input(prompt) Accepts a value from the user and returns it to the variable a
selection IF (expression) if expression: run commands in the code block associated with the selection
iteration expression a ← expression REPEAT UNTIL (expression) while expression: Repeat commands in the code block associated withe the iteration while expression is true
iteration n times REPEAT n TIMES for i in range(n): Repeat commands in the code block associated withe the iteration n times
list assignment list ← [expression1, expression2, expression3] list = [expression1, expression2, expression3] Assigns 3 values to list, value can be literal or expressions
first index in list list[1] list[0] Access the 1st element in the list[]. FYI, most programming languages start at zero
last index in list list[LENGTH(list)] list[len(list) - 1] Access the last element in the list[]. If you start at zero, last element is length - 1.
define procedure PROCEDURE name (parameter) def name(parameter): Create a procedure containing a sequence of programming instructions
expression equals a = b a == b Evaluate if assigned value of a equals assigned value of b
expression does not equal a ≠ b a != b Evaluate if assigned value of a is NOT equal to assigned value of b
LINK - - Collegeboard Pseudocode Reference
Github - - The defacto hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere in the world. Think of it as the Google Docs for Coders.
Visual Studio Code - - Allows you to Edit files, Build your Code, and Pull/Push Code from and to the GitHub
Jupyter Notebooks - - A document format for creating and sharing computational documents. These documents allow you to compute segments of Python or Java code as you are taking notes. (.ipynb
print - print() Prints a message through Python
sequence - - Two or more lines of code
List - square brackets [] A way of grouping data in an ordered sequence, and will be a big part of the requirement for the College Board Create Task project
Dictionary - curly braces {} A way of grouping data into in key-value relationships
Keys dict.keys() - Expresses the value
Values dict.values() - Value corresponds with the keys in a list or dictionary
API - - a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service
rapidAPI - - a site that offers multiple APIs for our use
AWS - - Subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis